Shilajit For Hair Loss

Shilajit For Hair Loss

Hair loss or alopecia is something everyone face; be a teen, man, woman or even twelve years old kid. Normal hair loss is okay but excessive hair loss is linked with some reasons. Reasons can be hereditary, age, poor lifestyle, poor diet, improper sleep, less intake of water, medical conditions like pregnancy, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, stress, unreasonable use of drugs,no scalp care like massage, not doing any exercise, excessive use of harmful chemicals in products like shampoos and conditioners, over heating your hair by hair dryers and straighteners, tight hair styling, dying and the list goes on. Though I would not discuss further what can be your hair loss cause but I’d rather give some useful tips on how can hair fall be controlled, most importantly how to regrow hair naturally without doing any hair transplant.


First of all, ask yourself that are you serious to regain lost delicate threads? If yes, then continue reading. One thing is very essential for a healthy scalp and that is your love for hair. Many people who experience excessive hair fall is due to their own careless attitude towards their scalp and that’s usually true for men. Love your hair and stroke them gently from time to time to remind your scalp you love your hair. Besides joking, happy scalp give birth to smooth, strong and shiny hair strands. Now grab a piece of paper and pen to note down very general and very useful tips for hair regrowth.

  • Hydrate your body. Drink more water. I am keeping this tip on the top because it is very important for a healthy body.
  • Include a portion of proteins, fat source, low-carb vegetables and fresh fruits in your daily diet. For example, protein sources are; milk, meat, seafood, eggs, wild salmon, beans. Low-carb vegetables sources are; broccoli, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, cauliflower, celery. Fat sources are; olive oil, butter, avocado oil, coconut oil, tallow, nuts, flaxseeds. Fresh fruits include bananas, apples, oranges, lime, grapes, lemons, berries, tomatoes, amla, kiwi, pumpkins and pineapples.
  • Do exercise for at least 20 to 30 minutes daily. Go for an early morning walk or sit in your garden silently and meditate, it is also known as breathing exercise. Do yoga or dance or do cardio or go for cycling. Do whatever you enjoy because your body needs it. The purpose of exercise is to improve the blood flow throughout your body and it release stress. Blood circulation in scalp promotes hair growth.
  • When consciously you practice the above three tips, it will improve your lifestyle. Now you can do your scalp massage once or twice a week or daily depends on your routine. Massage won’t take more than 10 to 15 minutes. Scalp massage can be done with oil or without oil. I personally prefer unprocessed natural oils mixture for my scalp. For natural hair growth make a mixture of equal amount of amla oil, olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil and ½ of castor oil. Apply the mixture of oils gently into your scalp and do your scalp massage with finger tips. Let this mixture sit on your scalp for an hour or two before washing or you can leave it overnight for better conditioning. Note that if you do massage with oils once a week then do massage without oil for 10 minutes daily preferably before sleeping.
  • Hair mask is also essential for natural regrowth. There are many choices for hair mask but I will share with you only one and you can take the idea to make your own mask. This mask is very effective for hair loss control and natural regrowth of hair. For making hair mask
  • mesh two bananas,
  • add ¼ cup of aloe Vera gel,
  • ¼ yogurt,
  • 1 egg,
  • 1 ml olive oil,
  • few drops of sea buck thorn oil,
  • ½ tablespoon honey,
  • 0.5 grams of Shilajit Resin,
  • few drops of vitamin E
  • and if you want to add henna to give color to your hair do add it to this mixture along with 40ml green tea.
  • Stir it well and then apply it on your scalp till roots. Wear shower cap and leave it for 45 minutes before washing hair with lukewarm water. Use mild shampoo. Do not use conditioners after hair wash it’s better to do herbal rinse instead or take few drops of olive oil and rub your hands together and run slightly oily hands through your wet hair till the ends (avoid roots) For combing use wide toothed wooden comb and lightly comb through hair.
  • The above 5 tips will work for you but you must love your hair and keep patience for 4 to 6 months to see the actual results like new hair growth, however your hair loss will reduce within two weeks. Along with all of this one last must-to-do thing is include Black Gold Shilajit daily dose in your routine to rejuvenate the body and to slow down your aging process.

One last thing I will include to conclude this article, if none of the remedies work for you despite of all of your efforts then remember you are beautiful inside. Beauty is something that lies deep within a soul. Let go and let God.

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